Get some really cute fabric (and a 40% off coupon- yay).. I used flannel to be extra soft, and muslin for the inside lining... go to your local farm supply store and grab a 50 lb bag of whole feed corn (do not use any other corn, it will pop in the microwave) and try not to buy the cute lil potbelly piggies, and then gather up some thread and cute buttons laying around.. and that's it! My 2nd favorite part of this project (my favorite being that I have warm feet at night now) is that the total cost per bean bag buddy = $1.82... awesome.
Cut fabric (inside muslin- 6.5 in X 20.5 in. after folded in half.. and outside flannel- 7 in. X 21 in. after folded) and get sewing! The inside bag will look similar to this ... fill with 7-10 cups of corn (make sure to leave enough room that it can still mold around your feet, neck, stomach, back etc...) sew up the last side, and repeat with the outside layer (except don't sew the last edge shut so you have a way to remove the case and wash it...)
I microwaved the muslin bag for 2-3 minutes and let cool before putting it inside the cover (the corn tends to "sweat" a lot the first time you heat it)... then add your bling and buttons and you've got you're very own beanbag buddy!
Note to self: Don't use metal buttons to decorate it with ... hence the whole microwaving metal issue.. Don't heat more than 3 minutes in the microwave...
P.S- This also can be done with uncooked rice or dry beans but the corn is cheaper, holds heat longer, and doesn't stink up the whole room when microwaved.