A if for... Accessories!
This is an adorable, anthro-inspired, accessory, artistically adorned with amazing azaleas (or blossoms of some sort- haha) that I crafted for my sister for Christmas...
These are some of the ingredients used to make it: An old cotton shirt, hot glue, felt, and a silver chain, easy peasy...
This is a picture of it (that is me... I forgot to take one with her wearing it- oops) all finished...
And here's another one, since you can never have too many right?...
S is for... Silhouette!
Santa really spoiled me this year... I was splendidly surprised with my very own sleek and shiny Silhouette SD cutter! Seven second moment of silence for this spectacular slicer please....... thank you. Simply stunning... Enough said.
Sorry it's a little hard to see... She's sitting on the left... (lot's and lot's more to come)
M is for... Mural
I'll be modest... although I must say it was somewhat of a miraculous miracle that I pulled this off, I'm just thankful it didn't turn into a monstrosity of a mess...
This is a mural I painted for a children's play room... First sketched an outline....
Filled in some gaps... The lighting and my camera weren't really cooperating... but you get the idea...
Made some finishing touches... and this magically appeared...
A big project to send 2010 on it's way... not too shabby...